Web Design and Photography

Web Gallery allows for feedback by providing your contact information in the form below and through Contact located in the navigation bar. The form provides a feedback section in order to understand more of what can be provided to you and to learn from your commentary. In this section, please feel free to provide feedback on the online gallery located on the home page and Images of the Web Gallery located in the navigation bar. If you would like personal pictures to be altered, please include these photo attachments in your email, to, along with any specifics you would like to be included in the alternation.






Web Gallery is an online art display of photographic alterations that provides image adjustments in order to gain feedback and create an interest in landscape photography, architectural photography, and wildlife photography. Our mission is to display altered photographic images online to gain critique and to provide a photographic alternation service to our viewers. We hope that this online art display will intrigue others to develop a passion for the arts and continue this example of sharing an appreciation for natural beauty.

The pictures taken are captured on foot and adjusted in order to create an alternative look. The program used to apply adjustments to the pictures creates several alternatives, allowing for many selections to be chosen. Any picture can be altered, so existing pictures can be altered as well as a picture requested. To have pictures taken or alternated, please refer to Contact in the navigation bar or the form above and provide your contact information. Web Gallery is open for viewing and downloads will be provided in the future.