SF Food For All

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There are many programs that help to insure that all San Franciscans have food on the table. These include programs that provide free meals and pantry services, but also organizations that help to insure food security for all of us.

Food Pantries in San Francisco

Please see our resources section for a listing of Food Pantries in San Francisco.

Meal Programs in San Francisco

Please see our resources section for a listing of meal programs in San Francisco.


The Board of the Haight Ashbury Food Programs is looking into having the church as a pickup location for a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program.

To learn more about Community Supported Agriculture please visit: http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/pubs/csa/csa.shtml

If you would be interested in having the church be a pickup location for a CSA Program please email us at board@thefoodprogram.org